Winter Prompt #19: Forget Matilda


Winter Prompt #19

No problem. I never, ever

remember her. Waking at 4 a.m.,

that old fear clutching—I am not

remembering Matilda. Walking

by the sea, filling my pocket

with white pebbles, admiring

the pair of osprey hovering

beyond the tide-line, I do not

think of Matilda. Stretching

my ice-cleats over my boots,

clipping the leash on the dogs’ collar,

following the ways of rabbits

through the snow—no Matilda.

Singing lonesome madrigals,

buying onions and soap,

drinking coffee with my husband,

feeding the cats,

reading to our grandson—

Matilda never enters my mind.

I have long list of sorrows,

but the one thing I do not regret —

I never remember Matilda.

2 comments on “Winter Prompt #19: Forget Matilda

  1. Christine Lee Moore says:

    Oh, there must be a story here. Such a sadly sweet piece.

  2. Well, to tell the truth–the poem is the story! The prompt was simply “Forget Matilda” and I went with it–making up a bunch of stuff. My favorite kind of writing.

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