A piece of a long Dadaist poem called “New Catechism.”   Questions are real catechism questions and the responses were bits written on slips of paper and drawn at random from a hat.

What is sin?
A gravedigger waiting in his red truck, playing the radio, drinking coffee from a paper cup.

How does sin have power over us?
It drops a mysterious map over someone’s garden gate, listens for an odd bird song far away.  It loves the frost, despite itself.

What is redemption?
Redemption is a rabbit so still the dog missed him though she turned her head like radar, round and round.

How did God prepare us for redemption?
With Percé Rock, Chartres, St. Peter’s and the like.  Birds, windows, the color of the stones, an old woman smelling of cologne stopping to pick a pebble from the shore.

What is meant by the Messiah?
A lady in high-heeled slings and shorts which display to advantage her rippled midlife thighs.

Who do we believe is the Messiah?
A drift of pale feathers, a torn and bloody wing.

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